ABS (American Buraeu of Shipping), LNG Bunkering: Technical and Operational Advisory, 2017. | Δείτε το Online Εδώ |
ABS (American Buraeu of Shipping), Bunkering of Liquefied Natural Gas-fueled Marine Vessels in North America, 2016. | Δείτε το Online Εδώ |
DNV-GL (Norweigean-Germanicher Lloyd), DNVGL-RP-G105: Development and operation of liquefied natural gas bunkering facilities (Recommended practice), 2015. | Δείτε το Online Εδώ |
EMSA (European Maritime Safety Agency), Guidance on LNG Bunkering to Port Authorities and Administrations, 2018. | Δείτε το Online Εδώ |
IACS (International Association of Classification Societies and International Association of Classification Societies), IACS Rec 146: Risk assessment as required by the IGF Code, 2016. | Δείτε το Online Εδώ |
IACS (International Association of Classification Societies and International Association of Classification Societies), IACS Rec 142: LNG Bunkering Guidelines, 2nd Edition, 2017. | Δείτε το Online Εδώ |
IAPH-WPCI (World Ports Climate Initiative), Bunker checklists, 2014. | Δείτε το Online Εδώ |
SGMF (The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel), Safety guidelines – Bunkering version 2. London, 2017. ISBN: 978-0-9933164-4-9. | Δείτε το Online Εδώ |
SGMF (The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel), Bunkering of Ships with LNG – Competency and Assessment Guidelines version 2.0. London, 2017. ISBN: 978-0-9933164-5-6. | Δείτε το Online Εδώ |
SGMF (The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel), Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs) during LNG bunkering. London, 2018. ISBN: 978-0-9933164-7-0 | Δείτε το Online Εδώ |
SGMF (The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel), Recommendation of Controlled Zones during LNG bunkering. London, 2018. ISBN: 978-0-9933164-8-7. | Δείτε το Online Εδώ |
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